How to upload the pictures?



The method for uploading images to digital picture frames, depends on the particular device. There are three different ways to upload pictures:

1. Some devices provide the capability to upload in more than one way. Some digital picture frames have internal memory. With this method, a computer or camera can be hooked up to the frame. Pictures are uploaded to the frame using software that comes with the frame. 

2. The memory slot method uses a memory card with pictures on it. The frame reads the memory card and displays the pictures. 

3. Using the Internet method, which is available through WiFi or a direct Internet connection, pictures can be sent through the Internet to the device.

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平面设计(graphic design),也称为视觉传达设计,是以“视觉”作为沟通和表现的方式,透过多种方式来创造和结合符号、图片和文字,借此作出用来传达想法或讯息的视觉表现。平面设计师可能会利用字体

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